Minutes of the proceedings of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council, held at The Mount, Eighteen Banks, on Monday 8th November 2021.
Chairperson: Cllr J Callaghan.
Councillors: Gordon Baldwin, Stephen Phillips, Heather Nixon, Steve Greaves, Elizabeth Andrew, Lisa Johnson.
147 Apologies for Absence: Robert Harrison, Jane McCoid (illness), Emma Miller (maternity), Celia Kendal (illness) and Andrew Batten (working)
The following vacancies were shared:
Kibblesworth – 6 Members.
Cllr R Harrison, Cllr Gordon Baldwin, Cllr Stephen Phillips
Cllr Heather Nixon, Cllr Jackie Callaghan, Cllr Jane McCoid.
Longshanks & Team Colliery – 3 Members
Cllr Elizabeth Andrew, Cllr Beverley Cann. (One Vacancy).
Eighton Banks – 5 Members
Cllr Emma Miller, Cllr Andrew Batten, Cllr Steve Greaves (Vice Chair),
Cllr Lisa Johnson. (One Vacancy)
Lady Park & Lamesley – 1 Member
Cllr Celia Kendal
A new councillor for the Parish (Beverley Cann) was proposed by Cllr Elizabeth Andrew and seconded by Julieanne McCree of 68 Elm Crescent, Birtley, DH3 1RQ, and accepted onto the Parish Council to represent Longshanks & Team Colliery.
Due to the resignation of Michael Moorhouse (having never attending a meeting) Cllr Jackie Callaghan relinquished her representation of Longshanks & Team Colliery and was asked to replace Michael Moorhouse. This she accepted.
148 MINUTES: Discussion, Action and Questions of last meeting minutes:
Draft minutes from 11th October 2021 meeting were circulated by Cllr Lisa Johnson and agreed.
149 Correspondence received since October meeting:
Regarding the communication that Cllr Jackie Callaghan received from the Ward Councillors that there will no longer be a standing invitation for the Chair of the Parish Council to attend the Lamesley Ward Council meeting. All Councillors were in agreement that this should be challenged.
▪ Gordon Baldwin agreed to do this face to face with Cllr Sheila Gallagher at the bulb planting event in Kibblesworth the following day
Cllr Steve Greaves shared that the parish had received requests for Clerk training in Finances and Budgeting and that he would keep this on file until a new Clerk was appointed.
▪ Steve Greaves agreed to remove the previous Clerks name from the Lamesley Parish Council email replies.
150 Specific area updates:
- Eighton Banks Ward:
Overgrown hedges and verges was raised again regarding Galloping Green Lane area narrowing the paths and roads which is a safety issue and cars speeding along the road is still an issue.
▪ Cllr Jane McCoid agreed to contact GMBC grass cutting team for action. This has still not been completed. Cllr Lisa Johnson will take this on board due to Cllr Emma Miller going on maternity leave.
The drainage of rain water on Rockcliffe Way is still an issue even after several requests to GMBC to clear the gullys and channels. Cllr Steve Greaves updated that the drains have now been cleared but the gully still need doing so the rainwater does not drain away. He added that on 10/9 he spoke on the phone with GMBC and was told that this is a major activity and cannot be planned in for about 4 months taking the timescale to January 2022.
▪ Cllr Steve Greaves will continue to pursue this with GMBC until this is resolved.
Concerns were raised over the field next to Bryson’s which has a wall around it and it is poor repair and is becoming more dangerous.
▪ Cllr Emma Miller agreed to speak with Bryson’s regarding ownership and share the concerns with Cllr Jane McCoid to help identify ownership and accountability to ensure improvements are made. There is still no progress on this and Cllr Lisa Johnson will oversea this in future.
Concerns raised again around the motorbikes using bridleways and a report received of motorbikes deliberately scaring horse and riders.
▪ Cllr Lisa Johnson confirmed The Mount Community Centre and some local residents have shared video footage with Police and will continue to do so.
▪ Cllr Steve Greaves shared his experience of stopping 5 motor cyclists and challenging them, sending video footage to Gateshead East Neighbourhood Policing Team and agreed to continue to do this. Cllr Steve Greaves also agreed to contact GMBC for some more directive prevention signage similar to that that is used in Sunderland MBC.
- Kibblesworth:
Dangerous parking continues on Kibblesworth Front Street when school children are leaving school.
▪ Cllr Bob Harrison has reported this to the Police to monitor however no improvements have been made.
▪ Cllr Jackie Callaghan agreed to speak to the teachers at the school as some of these cars are theres.
Tomorrow (9th November) there is a bulb planting event with the Ward Councillors at Kibblesworth Front Street, behind the pit wheel, and local Parish Councillors are invited.
▪ Cllr Gordon Baldwin is attending and agreed to approach Cllr Sheila Gallagher with regard to challenging the parishes omission from the Ward meetings and to request that the minutes are circulated as a minimum. Also to raise the non attendance of Cllr Jane McCoid at recent Parish meetings.
The issues with the road deterioration on Ashvale Avenue and Laburnum Crescent are getting worse and nothing has been corrected as yet,
▪ Cllr Heather Nixon agreed this needed to be escalated and Cllr Jackie Callaghan agreed that the Parish Council must now write directly to Martin Gannon, Leader of GMBC, on matters like this.
- Lady Park & Lamesley:
Ongoing issues with the absence of HGV road signs preventing them from using minor roads for access continues.
▪ Cllr Jackie Callaghan agreed to take this back to the ward meeting but is now not included in the invite. Cllr Celia Kendal was not present so Jackie Callaghan agreed to visit as there are still concerns around the HGV
The Camperground waste disposal site is changing its arrangements and from December 2021 anyone visiting the site to drop off waste will have to pre-book their slot beforehand. All Councillors agreed that this will make things more difficult and may exacerbate fly tipping but nothing can be done to change the decision taken by Gateshead Council. All Councillors agreed to monitor the new arrangements once they come in and to ensure that the fly tipping posters are prominent in key places.
- Longshanks & Team Colliery :
Speeding on Lamesley Road is still a concern with 2 accidents having already happened and blocked the road and near misses continue. There was another accident on Sunday 31/10
▪ Cllr Elizabeth Andrew advised they have contacted Northumbria Safer Road Scheme in the hope they will allow speed camera vans to be sited on the road and a neighbour is considering a Community Speed Watch Group.
Damaged kerb stones are being reported on Lamesley Road from the HGV lorries entering the Cement Works.
▪ Cllr Elizabeth Andrew agreed to report this and to continue monitoring.
Balance at 7th November 2021
Treasury account £. 9,831.73
Memorial account £ 447.66
Contingency account £10,003.68
Paid out in October – Netwise Website fee £378.00
Expected expenses in November
▪ Cllr Steve Greaves asked for around £500 for large barrel pots to share around the Parish and a similar amount for a new laptop for the Clerk as the one we currently have is old and very slow.
▪ £20 to be paid for the Kibblesworth memorial wreath
▪ £120 inc VAT for advertising the vacant Clerk role on the NALC website
Cllr Jackie Callaghan repeated that we must now raise all of the Parishes outstanding issues directly with Martin Gannon, Leader of GMBC, and Liz Twist as we keep bringing them to the attention of GMBC officials and no or little progress is being made.
▪ All Councillors agreed to pass on these issues to Cllr Jackie Callaghan (Chair) and Steve Greaves (Vice Chair) so that the complete list could be produced and put to Martin and Liz for support and resolution
Gateshead Council have forwarded details of all applications received from within the Parish Council’s area as part of the consultation process. These have been shared and discussed with the relevant councillors.
Application Ref: DC/21/00774/FUL
Date: 7 October 2021
SUBJECT: Consultation under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
Erection of 73 residential dwellings with
associated infrastructure, landscaping and
SUDS drainage.
Land Bounded North And
South Of Blackfell Way.
North Side
This is an outstanding action. Cllr Jane McCoid agreed to circulate to all Councillors an up to date list of GMBC contacts and their areas of responsibility. This matter is still outstanding.
Cllr Lisa Johnson agreed to compile a list of outstanding matters with GMBC and forward to Local Ward Councillors.
The vacant Clerk role was discussed and options for advertising the role were agreed.
▪ Cllr Steve Greaves agreed to advertise the role via the NALC website and the bronze option at £100 + vat was agreed.
▪ Cllr Lisa Johnson agreed to put the job vacancy advertisement on social media on the Mount and Kibblesworth village sites.
The Parish Council website has not been updated since the last Clerk resigned.
▪ Cllr Steve Greaves agreed to look into this and contact Netwise to see how this is done.
Cllr Jackie Callaghan raised the the Parish Council will go back into recess over Christmas and that there will be no December meeting and only important business and those that required a decision would be shared via email. All Councillors were also reminded that the Chair and Vice Chair could still be contacted as normal throughout this period.
155 Next Parish meeting
The next Parish Ordinary Meeting of the Council is proposed for Monday 10th January 2022 at 6.30pm at the Millenium Centre in Kibblesworth.
At this point of the meeting any member of the Public present is
able to ask questions or make suggestions to the Members of
the Council present provided they have given notice of the
questions or suggestions to the Chairperson or Clerk by 6pm on
the Monday prior to the meeting.
Councillor Jackie Callaghan
Parish Clerk