
February Agenda

2021 Agenda Archive Uploaded on February 10, 2022

Dear Councillor:

Your attendance is requested at the Ordinary Meeting of the Council which is to be held at Kibblesworth Millennium Centre on:  Monday 10th January  2022  at 6.30pm. 





Ordinary Meeting:


  1. Apologies for Absence


Please email by Friday 7th January 2022 to ensure all apologies are noted.


  1. Minutes of Last Meeting.


  1. Correspondence.


  1. All updates from last month’s actions.  Please refer to November minutes.


  1. Specific area updates:


  • Eighton Banks Ward – Cllr Emma Miller, Cllr Andrew Batten, Cllr Steve Greaves and Cllr Lisa Johnson.


  • Kibblesworth Ward – Cllr Robert Harrison, Cllr Stephen Phillips, Cllr Heather Nixon, Cllr Jackie Callaghan and Cllr Gordon Baldwin


  • Lady Park & Lamesley – Cllr Celia Kendal



  • Longshanks & Team Colliery Ward – Cllr Beverley Cann, Cllr Elizabeth Andrew



  1. Matters in Progress.


  1. Planning Report/Updates.


  1. Financial Report/Update. (Clerk/RFO)


  1. Any Other Business/Additional Matters.


  • Double Taxation paper (Cllr Jackie Callaghan) paper attached to email
  • Emergency Planning (Cllr Gordon Baldwin) 4 papers attached to email



  1. Public Participation.



Proposed date for next meeting: Monday 14th February 2022 at 6.30pm in the Mount, Eighton Banks. 

