Minutes of Lamesley Parish Council Meeting Monday 9th January 2023
Attendees Cllr S Greaves (Vice Chairman) Cllr S Phillips Cllr C Betts Cllr L Johnson Cllr J McCoid Cllr E Miller Cllr M Burns
Apologies were received from Cllr J Callaghan and Cllr E Andrew
Minutes of the November meeting were read and agreed and signed by the Vice Chairman
225 Correspondence was received as follows
2 copies of the Register of Electors was received to be retained by the Vice Chairman and the Clerk
A reminder that a Parish Meeting of Electors is to be held between 1st March and 1st June was received. It was determined that this would be held in conjunction with the normal March meeting on 13th March and arrangements would be confirmed at the February meeting.
From Cllr Callaghan a note was received about progress towards appointing another Councillor, progress towards a remedy of the power cuts, liaison with Sonya McCool of GMBC towards the implementation of horse step gates to deter use by motor vehicles and bikes and a formal request for financial aid for the Warm Space project will follow shortly. Additionally a proposal to increase support at the Mount to £2000 for renovations was agreed given that the Treasury Account will support the monies.
A note came from CDALC asking Councils if any members were interested in invites to the King’s Garden Party they should be made aware of the potential invitee.
226 Actions have been taken to update and correct the addresses/e mails for correspondence.
These are all Councillors to receive an e mail copy. Additionally sent to the Millenium Centre at Kibblesworth for printing out plus paper copies for Cllr Callghan and Cllr Phillips. An e mail version to Mountcommunity plus a paper copy to Cllr Johnson. Eighton Banks Village Hall to have paper copy
via Cllr Burns. Mary Saunders Hall and Lamesley School Rooms to have paper copy via Cllr Callaghan.
Councillors to report on situation/suitability of noticeboards in their areas
227 Specific Area Updates
Eighton Banks
Cllr Johnson reported on indiscriminate parking on grassed areas which was taken up by S Gallagher at GMBC but unfortunately they have no enforcement capabilities. Issues arise on parking outside shops in Wrekenton. Cllr McCoid liaising with Gateshead Council
. Increase in fly tipping a concern. The Keep Warm Centres have worked well so far. Cllr Betts to arrange small tidy up and litter picking groups. Cllr Phillips to acquire further supplies of anti dog fouling posters. Cllr Phillips to investigate provision of new pads on defibrillator.
Lamesley/Lady Park
No further report
No further report
228 Matters in progress
A consideration was made about the meetings taking place on the second Monday of the month. It was agreed that the current arrangements would remain and potential attendance at future meetings would be asked to ensure their suitability.
Discussion also took place on the practicality of a newsletter and how it might be organised
229 Planning Applications
Details of applications were distributed relating to
South Farm Granary, Pennyfine House Whickham, The Garret Rockcliffe Way and Bowes Manor Equestrian Centre.
230 Financial Reports
As at 28 Dec 2022 the Treasurers Account had a balance of £10768.07
As at 09 November the Contingency Account had a balance of £10006.86
A VAT reclaim had been made for £731.20 and no response has been currently made.
231 Further business
The Clerk is to follow up a potential new Councillor Jean Clift
232 The next Parish Meeting will now be held at The Mount on Monday February 13th 2023. This is a revised location
Public Participation
At this point of the meeting any member of the public is able to ask questions or make suggestions to members of the Council present providing they have given prior notice to the Chairperson or Clerk by 6pm on the Monday prior to the meeting.
The meeting closed at 7.52pm