
Minutes July 2021

2021 Minutes ArchiveMinutes Uploaded on November 23, 2021



Minutes of the proceedings of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council, held at Kibblesworth Millenium Centre on Monday 12th July 2021, pursuant to notice duly given.


Responses have been received by :   Chairperson: Cllr J Callaghan.


Councillors: J Callaghan, H Nixon, C Kendal, L.Johnson, R Harrison.

  1. Greaves (Vice Chair), G. Baldwin (beginning of the meeting only, S. Phillips, Cllr Jane McCoid (guest)



127     Apologies for Absence:   A.Batten, . E.Miller, E. Andrews, M.Moorhouse.



The following vacancies were shared:


Kibblesworth – 6 Members.

Cllr R Harrison, Cllr Gordon Baldwin, Cllr Stephen Phillips

Cllr Heather Nixon, M.Moorhouse.

(One Vacancy)


Longshanks & Team Colliery  – 3 Members

Cllr Jackie Callaghan, Cllr Elizabeth Andrews.

(One  Vacancy).


Eighton Banks – 5 Members

Cllr Emma Miller, Cllr Andrew Batten, Cllr Steve Greaves (Vice Chair),

Cllr Lisa Johnson

(One Vacancy)


Lady Park & Lamesley – 1 Member

Cllr Celia Kendal



128     MINUTES: Discussion, Action and Questions of last meeting minutes:


Draft minutes were circulated as requested by members with their meeting papers 1 week prior to meeting.












129     Correspondence:


Cllr Mark Kelly resignation was shared reason being an increase in work commitments since Covid restrictions have been lifted.


Birkheads Wild CIC, from Fiona O’Conner, submitted a further 2 estimates, it was agree that the Parish council would donate £350 towards the benches being commissioned.  An invoice will be required for audit purposes on completion.



130    Specific area updates:  


  • Eighton Banks Ward:


Cllr Johnson clarified that she is having ongoing contact with GMBC (Neil Fryer)  regarding placing extra flower tubs around the Parish and that Cllr Judith Turner and Cllr Sheila Gallagher are aware.


Cllr Greaves is having ongoing contact with Jon Swinbourne, Senior Engineer (Highways), GMBC regarding overflowing drains. Replies are that delays have been due to the postponed applications for traffic lights in that area therefore this will be picked up within the next 7 days, Cllr Greaves to monitor.


Cllr Johnson clarified that there will be no room hire costs at The Mount for the Parish council meetings.


It was agreed that the Parish Council minutes can be displayed at The Mount. Cllr Greaves to action.



  • Kibblesworth:


A brief overview of the contact with Joanne Munton (,Senior Planner) and Zoe Jones both from GMBC, regarding Land owned by SITA / Bowes Valley Nature Reserve was given. Discussions are ongoing.

Cllr H Nixon gave an update of the asset transfer of the Bowling and Cricket. The pitches are currently unplayable and are not being up kept by GMBC as stated in their lease. It is requested that CISWO contact GMBC to reinforce their legal obligation under the lease for all matters of repair and maintenance to the whole of the welfare ground and to cancel the proposed community asset transfer. Clerk to contact CISWO.

Cllr H Nixon clarified the issues with the new build roof repairs are ongoing and GMBC have agreed to complete inspections on 3 houses that will be chosen at random.




Regarding Harvest & Help, payment will be given from when they begin to replenishing the tubs, a map of where these are placed has not been received yet. Cllr Callaghan to follow this up.


Discussions took place around the recent issues of vandalism around Kibblesworth. Cllr Callaghan reminded members that everyone must be encouraged to continue and report all incidents to the police and that they can individually post these reminders on Facebook if they wish.


Discussions took place around housing and road repairs around Laburnum Crescent, Ashvale Avenue and Rose Gardens. GMBC have inspected the area and further work will be completed by the summer, this will be inspected again after completion.


Cllr Phillips requested lamppost posters for picking up dog mess. These are to be requested from the dog warden and Cllr Phillips will distribute.


Agreed guardians for the defibrillator in Kibblesworth are Cllr Jackie Callaghan and Cllr Heather Nixon.  The Clerk will contact NEAS & First response to update details.



  • Lady Park & Lamesley:



Cllr Kendal has the ongoing issues of the HGV road sign being in the incorrect place and concerns of the litter in her area. Cllr Callaghan to take this back to the Ward meeting.


Neighbours around Ladypark have raised concerns of here being 43 acres of land up for sale and are questioning if this is for further development. Cllr Callaghan to take to the Ward meeting, Clerk to contact planning.


All other issues around the area have been reported to GMBC appropriately.



  • Longshanks & Team Colliery :



Cllr Callaghan shared Cllr Andrew update regarding Avant homes. There is an ongoing dispute as to who’s responsibility it is to maintain the area between Avant housing and GMBC.due to the issue with the land registry documentation.


Cllr Callaghan clarified that the roadworks around the Angel are now finished and it is hoped that GMBC will now tidy the area up and cut the grass.


Cllr Callaghan raised the concerns of parking in Smithy Lane beside the pallet depot. The traffic causing obstructions could possibly be a police matter, however this will also be raised at the Ward meeting at the end of July.






Balance at 26.06.2021:


Treasury account     £15,095.63

Memorial Acc:          £447.66

Contingency Acc:     £10,003.51


Paid out in April –         Clerk salary       £386.10

CDALC Fees     £541.07


The Clerk confirmed that the Parish insurance had increased to £706.60 from £694.04 last year.


The audit exemption certificate was received from Mazars on 30.06.2021.


The exercise of public rights was published on the website along with the FRS AGAR and accounts on the 1st July.


The invoice from GMBC for the recent internal audit arrived today £1,092.00.

The Clerk has requested a breakdown of how the 26 hours were utilised and will dispute this if deemed appropriate.


Cllr Greaves noted that in recent training session he and Cllr Baldwin have attended it states that the Council has financial control. The Clerk agreed this is true members have financial control on spending only, the Clerk/RFO then completes the banking transactions on their request. Cllr Baldwin has requested to advise the Clerk on financial administration as he has experience in this area. The Clerk agreed to support however face to face and not via emails.


The Clerk advised that monthly statements will be circulated as standard as members have not taken up the offer of seeing these.






The Clerk has refrained from buying a printer due to having to adhere to the guidelines that all meeting will remain paperless therefore not spending money

unnecessarily. Members supported this adding that if any councillors want to print paperwork out for their own use or other councillors this will be acceptable.













Gateshead Council has forwarded details of all applications received from

within the Parish Council’s area as part of the consultation process.

The following applications be received and noted:


DC/21/00749/FUL –   The Bungalow, South Farm, Front Street, Kibblesworth, Gateshead, NE11 0YJ – Extension of the existing single storey

bungalow to form a new level of accommodation to provide one additional

two bedroom dwelling unit/apartment /maisonette with associated car parking and



DC/21/00704/ADV – Team Valley Retail Park, Unit

17 Tenth Avenue West, Team Valley, Gateshead,  NE11 0BD – Display of 1no internally illuminated LED Digital Display.  – Period for Comment ends on 19 July 2021


DC/21/00688/REM , Approval of Reserved Matters DEL- McCann Transport

Ltd, Ravens House, Eighth Avenue, Gateshead, NE11 0SX. -RESERVED MATTERS APPLICATION (relating to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the proposed development) for erection of industrial unit(Class B2 and/or B8).

(Pursuant to OUTLINE APPLICATION DC/18/01218/OUT) – Period for Comment ends on 19 July 2021


DC/21/00722/HHA, Householder, Application, DEL – Beldy House

Haggs Lane, Lamesley, Birtley, NE11 0HA – Erection of a single storey

side and rear extension -(PART REPLACEMENT) – Period for Comment ends on 2 August 2021






The Clerk is on annual leave until W/C 02.08.2021,  however will be checking emails once a week to ensure anything urgent is responded to.


Members requested that the process for draft minutes revert back to the process prior to their May decisions,  therefor they will be circulated to members and all amendments will be made in time for the next meeting.


It was agreed that the half hour pre-meeting was not necessary but that time will be spent planning the actual meeting to help keep it concise.









135     Next Parish meeting



Council is in recess throughout August, all queries during this time are to be

directed to the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson or Clerk.


The next Parish Ordinary Meeting of the Council is proposed for Monday 13th September  2021 at 6.30pm. The Mount Association, Galloping Green Rd, Eighton Banks, Gateshead NE9 7YA.


Cllr Callaghan offered transport if need be.







At this point of the meeting any member of the Public present is

able to ask questions or make suggestions to the Members of

the Council present provided they have given notice of the

questions or suggestions to the Chairperson or Clerk by 6pm on

the Monday prior to the meeting.



Chairperson Councillor Jackie Callaghan Date




Parish Clerk Anita Lawrence Date