
Minutes October 2021

2021 Minutes ArchiveMinutes Uploaded on November 23, 2021



Minutes of the proceedings of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council, held at The Millenium Centre, Kibblesworth, on Monday 11th October 2021.



Chairperson: Cllr J Callaghan.

Councillors: Heather Nixon, Robert Harrison, Emma Miller, Elizabeth Andrew, Lisa Johnson.


137     Apologies for Absence:   Steve Greaves (Holiday) and Gordon Baldwin (Holiday) Jane McCoid, Stephen Phillips, Andrew Batten


The following vacancies were shared:

Kibblesworth – 6 Members.

Cllr R Harrison, Cllr Gordon Baldwin, Cllr Stephen Phillips

Cllr Heather Nixon, Cllr M.Moorhouse, Cllr Jane McCoid.

Longshanks & Team Colliery – 3 Members

Cllr Jackie Callaghan, Cllr Elizabeth Andrew.  (One Vacancy).

Eighton Banks – 5 Members

Cllr Emma Miller, Cllr Andrew Batten, Cllr Steve Greaves (Vice Chair),

Cllr Lisa Johnson. One Vacancy)

Lady Park & Lamesley – 1 Member

Cllr Celia Kendal


138     MINUTES: Discussion, Action and Questions of last meeting minutes:


Draft minutes from 13th September 2021 meeting were circulated on the 15th September and agreed.




139     Correspondence received since September meeting:


Jackie Callaghan has received communication from the Ward Councillors that there will no longer be a standing invitation for the Chair of the Parish Council to attend the Lamesley Ward Council meeting. All Councillors were in agreement to the Chair responding in objection to this. The Parish Council feel this would mean we are not working together with GMBC.



140    Specific area updates: 




  • Eighton Banks Ward:


Overgrown hedges and verges was raised regarding Galloping Green Lane area narrowing the paths and roads which is a safety issue and cars speeding along the road is still an issue.

  • Jane McCoid agreed to contact GMBC grass cutting team for action. This has not been completed. Lisa Johnson will take this over due to Emma Miller going on maternity leave.


The drainage of rain water on Rockcliffe Way is still an issue even after several requests to GMBC to clear the gullys and channels.  Steve Greaves has been informed that they had been done but in the wrong area

  • Steve Greaves is still pressuring GMBC until this is resolved. Lisa Johnson confirmed there appears to be no progress from GMBC as flooding continues.


Concerns were raised over the field next to Bryson’s which has a wall around it is poor repair that is becoming more dangerous.

  • Emma Miller agreed to speak with Bryson’s regarding ownership and share the concerns with Jane McCoid to help identify ownership and accountability to ensure improvements are made. This is still in progress. Lisa Johnson will take over from Emma Miller.


Concerns raised again around the motorbikes using bridleways and a report received of motorbikes deliberately scaring horse and riders.

  • Lisa Johnson confirmed The Mount Community Centre and some local residents have shared video footage with Police and will continue to do so. Also suggested possibly obtaining posters from Northumbria Police re motorbikes.




  • Kibblesworth:


Dangerous parking continues on Kibblesworth Front Street when school children are leaving school.

  • Bob Harrison has reported this to the Police to monitor however no improvements have been made. Jackie Callaghan feels some of this parking is the teachers from the school. Jackie Callaghan and Bob Harrison agreed they should call into the school.


The Bowling Club have used the Parish donation to buy Children equipment and this has been well received and used often.  Communication of this was not as good as it could have been and the organisers of GMBC sports days could also have used the equipment.  The equipment is still available at the Bowling Club and can still be used by the children.

  • Bob Harrison advised there is no General Meeting until this month to follow up.



The Lord Lawson school bus taking children home to Kibblesworth has been removed and children now have to get alternative buses via Springwell and Wrekenton which adds up to an hour to the journey.  Heather Nixon has had complaints from parents and spoken with Lamesley Councillors to formally approach the school.  Jane McCoid has also taken this up with the school.

  • Heather Nixon agreed to chase this up with Sheila Gallagher. Heather Nixon has also received email communication to confirm there is a teacher on the local bus and it was confirmed there is plenty of room downstairs however the children prefer to go upstairs which is then causing an issue with standing.





  • Lady Park & Lamesley:


Ongoing issues with the absence of HGV road signs preventing them from using minor roads for access continues.

  • Jackie Callaghan agreed to take this back to the ward meeting. Celia Kendal not present so Jackie Callaghan agreed to visit as there are still concerns around the HGV



  • Longshanks & Team Colliery :


The Cement works at the bottom of Elm Crescent are wanting to relocate the concrete batching plant, install a new tarmac plant and storage area, build plant workshops, process secondary aggregate and create a new office building with parking and have set a 23rd September deadline for feedback and objections.  34 of the 70 addresses affected have already objected due to the additional traffic and hazards this will cause.

  • Elizabeth Andrew advised there have now been 64 objections and 48 supported. A written petition has been submitted to the council and they have confirmed receipt.


Speeding on Lamesley Road is still a concern with 2 accidents having already happened and blocked the road and near misses continue.

  • Elizabeth Andrew advised they have contacted Northumbria Safer Road Scheme in the hope they will allow speed camera vans to be sited on the road and a neighbour is considering a Community Speed Watch Group.


Parking continues on the double yellow lines on Longshanks Lane which is dangerous and hazardous to pedestrians.

  • Elizabeth Andrew agreed to report this to the Police for monitoring. No further update.





Balance at 31.08.2021:


Treasury account                      £10,209.73

Memorial account                    £     447.66

Contingency account               £10,003.68


Paid out in July/August –      Clerk salary June/July                 £. 386.10

Insurance                         £. 706.60

Birkenheads Wild              £. 350.00

Bowling Club                     £. 390.00

The Mount CCTV               £1194.00

Clerk salary JulyAug         £  386.10

Audit fees                       £1092.00

Clerks Salary up to 6/9    £  386.10


Money in:  The Mount Rent     £5.00

Due to no Parish Clerk Jackie Callaghan received the bank statements, it is the same finance report with the exception of one bill paid by cheque. Website provider, Netwise UK £378.00. No clerk’s salary has been paid as standing order has been stopped.




Jackie Callaghan and Heather Nixon are to go through and check the filing cabinet now sited within the Millennium Centre.




Gateshead Council have forwarded details of all applications received from

within the Parish Council’s area as part of the consultation process.

The following applications have been received and noted:


Ref: DC/21/00774/FUL: Erection of 73 residential dwellings, land bounded North and South of Blackfell Way, Northside, Gateshead.

It was determined this is not within Lamesley Parish.






The point of grit bins was raised by Jackie Callaghan, it was agreed all Councillors would contact GMBC direct.


Jane McCoid agreed to circulate to all Councillors an up to date list of GMBC contacts and their areas of responsibility. This has not yet been received.


Lisa Johnson agreed to compile a list of outstanding matters with GMBC and forward to Local Ward Councillors.



145     Next Parish meeting


The next Parish Ordinary Meeting of the Council is proposed for Monday 8th November 2021 at 6.30pm at the Mount Community Centre in Eighton Banks.